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Being made from natural wool, Steiner1888 products may sound like they have superpowers, but the truth is: It's all about the right care. Although all loden products have unique characteristics, such as being water-repellent, temperature-regulating and fairly sturdy, there are some things you can do to enhance these properties.

It's all about the right care.

Care Instructions

The most common questions regarding care:

Can woollen blankets be washed in the washing machine?

Most of our blanket fabrics are finished during manufacture so that they can be washed at 30°C on the wool wash setting. It is best to use a grease-replenishing wool detergent. You can find out whether your blanket can be washed in the washing machine or not on the care label. This is usually located under the Steiner1888 label.

Can woollen products be put in the dryer?

Please never put the pure new wool blanket in the dryer when it is wet or damp. The dryer is a similar instrument to our milling machines. The fabric will then become even more matted and shrink. The blanket will deform and of course become smaller. To prevent the blanket from deforming, it is best to dry it lying down.

My woollen blanket is electrostatic. What can I do about it?

The woollen blanket becomes electrically charged when the air in the room is too dry. This usually happens in winter. Anyone with long hair knows the problem. You can hang the blanket in the bathroom during a hot shower or out in the fresh air overnight. This way the wool fibres absorb moisture and the problem should be solved.

My woollen blanket fluffs and loses hair. Is this normal?

If a pure new wool blanket " leaks hair ", it is a sign of the high quality of the products. We do not use chemicals to make the hairs stick. With our alpaca blankets, it can sometimes happen that they lose some hair, especially in the beginning, due to the fine woollen hair structure. Try to remove the top layer with a lint roller. But don't worry: the blanket will never lose so much hair that it is suddenly naked 

Do virgin wool blankets itch on the skin?

Our honest answer: It depends on how sensitive you are and you will only know if you have felt the fabric on your skin. Of course, it also depends on the hair structure of the virgin wool used. Our 100% merino wool blankets are cuddly soft. This also applies to all fine hair blankets (e.g. cashmere, angora, merino lamb, baby alpaca). With mountain sheep and alpaca blankets, however, it can happen that the blanket is perceived as scratchy. The best thing is to simply try it out.

Is cashmere warmer than merino?

In a nutshell: yes. Cashmere and merino wool have a lot in common, but the precious hair of the cashmere goat has the highest heat retention capacity of all pure new wool.

How do I prevent moth infestation?

Everybody loves high-quality products made of loden, but unfortunately sometimes moths do too. To protect your Steiner1888 textiles from moth infestation, there are a few useful tools you can use. To prevent moths, scents such as cedar wood, lavender or lemon can be placed in a cloth bag. If an infestation nevertheless occurs, the item should be washed and well (air)dried - the care label provides information on the correct cleaning. The product should then be packed airtight to destroy any larvae that may be present. Moth bombs can also be used. Moth infestation is not a sign of poor quality, but of potentially incorrect storage or low frequency of use. Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot accept returns for products with moth holes.

How can I store woollen products properly over a longer period of time?

Basically, the same rules apply as for moth prevention: Moving the fabric regularly and adding fragrances such as lavender or lemon. It is also important that the storage place is dry and protected from light so that the fabric does not fade. In addition, woollen blankets or garments made of loden can be stored in an airtight bag - but this is optional.  

How to remove stains from loden correctly:

Many paths lead to a destination. This is also true for loden care and stain removal. To find the right method for all types of stains, visit our stain chart.

Are there differences in the care of the individual types of wool?

No. In principle, there are no differences in the care of merino, alpaca, mountain sheep, cashmere or angora wool. The only difference in care handling is with our Nelly and Nora products - our undyed items. They may not be washed in the washing machine at 30°C on the wool cycle like the other products.

The Stain Table

This is how it works: The following types of stains are sorted from A-Z and fold out. First apply step A and let it dry. If not successful, apply step B and if necessary later step C. For chemical cleaners, please follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. We cannot guarantee successful stain removal.

AUpholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B Alcohol, diluted 1:5 with water

C1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Alkohol

B Nail polish remover without oil

C 1/2 tsp chemical detergent 1% dissolved in warm water

A Cold water and 1 tsp table salt solution 2% dissolved in warm water.

B Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

C1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Gum spray or hot iron over a layer of white kitchen paper.

B spirit, turpentine or substitute

C Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

A Gum spray or hot iron over a layer of white kitchen paper.

B Spirit, turpentine or substitute and brand name cleaner for greasy/oily stains.

C Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

A Thoroughly vacuum

B Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

C Spirit, turpentine or substitute

AGum spray

B Branded cleaner for greasy/oily stains and nail polish remover without oil

C Alcohol

A Spirit, turpentine or substitute

B Brand cleaner for greasy/oily stains

C Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

A 1 tsp. borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water with a little wine vinegar

B Alcohol diluted 1:5 with water

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B Spirit, turpentine or substitute

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Gum spray

B Branded cleaner for greasy/oily stains and nail polish remover without oil

C Alcohol

A Alkohol

B Nail polish remover without oil

C Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

A Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

C 1/2 tsp chemical detergent 1% dissolved in warm water

A Cold water and 1 tsp table salt solution 2% dissolved in warm water.

B Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

C 1/2 tsp chemical detergent 1% dissolved in warm water

A Alkohol

B Nail polish remover without oil

C Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

A Spirit, turpentine or substitute

B Brand cleaner for greasy/oily stains

C Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

A 1 tsp. borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

B Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

CAlcohol and nail polish remover without oil

A Spirit, turpentine or substitute

B Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

CBrand cleaner for greasy/oily stains

A Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

B Professional cleaning / specialist

A Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

B1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

ASpirit, turpentine or substitute

B Brand cleaner for greasy/oily stains

C Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

A1 tsp. borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

B Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

C Alcohol and nail polish remover without oil

A1 tsp table salt solution 2% dissolved in warm water.

B Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

C1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A 1 tsp table salt solution 2% dissolved in warm water.

B Alcohol, diluted 1:5 with water

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Nail polish remover without oil

B Professional cleaning / specialist

A Spirit, turpentine or substitute

B Brand cleaner for greasy/oily stains

CUpholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

A Spirit, turpentine or substitute

B Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

C Professional cleaning / specialist

A Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B Spirit, turpentine or substitute

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B Spirit, turpentine or substitute

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Upholstery cleaner with a little wine vinegar

B Spirit, turpentine or substitute

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

B1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water

A Gum spray or hot iron over a layer of white kitchen paper.

B spirit, turpentine or substitute

C Upholstery cleaning agent diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation.

A Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

B1 tsp. household disinfectant dissolved in 1 liter of water

C Professional cleaning / specialist

A Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

B 1 tsp. household disinfectant dissolved in 1 liter of water

C Professional cleaning / specialist

A Cold water

B Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

C Professional cleaning / specialist

A Upholstery cleaner diluted according to manufacturer's recommendation

C 1 tsp borax solution 2% dissolved in warm water with some wine vinegar

B Alcohol, diluted 1:5 with water