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Hot-water bottles

Keep your feet nice and warm with Steiner1888 hot water bottles, made from pure virgin wool. All our hot water bottles consist of a loden cover and the natural rubber bottle itself. The fibres of the new wool store the warm air and thus keep you warm for a particularly long time.

Hot water bottles are also a wonderful gift.

Gift warmth

Like a cuddly hug in a bottle

Our hot water bottles made from the finest virgin wool are ideal as a gift for your loved ones or for yourself. The wool cover encases the natural rubber bottle, stays warm for a long time and is pleasant on the skin. The different wools offer a variety of benefits. If you are unsure which type of wool suits you best, contact us or find out more about the types of wool used.

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Hot-water bottles

Keep your feet nice and warm with Steiner1888 hot water bottles, made from pure virgin wool. All our hot water bottles consist of a loden cover and the natural rubber bottle itself. The fibres of the new wool store the warm air and thus keep you warm for a particularly long time.

Hot water bottles are also a wonderful gift.